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Friday, May 22, 2009

{ Cherry Orchards }

I took these pictures awhile ago and I forgot to post them! They were taken about a month ago. The shoot was cut drastically short because Kate was paranoid of the bees buzzing around her, but I'm glad I at least got a few beautiful shots.

The area I live in is surrounded by tons of orchards. There are orchards every where I turn! I waited and waited this year until the blossoms became completely full, then I loaded up Kate and headed over to the orchards to take a couple pictures. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was to be in the middle of the orchard and all of the blossoms.

Wouldn't this setting be absolutely stunning for family pictures? Too bad the blossoms are already gone! I think it would still be just as beautiful for family pictures in the middle of all the green trees.

I love the area I live in!

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