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Saturday, January 16, 2010

:: Gauger Family :: Provo, Utah, Utah County Family & Children Photographer

Phew! These images are form another session I had over Christmas weekend. Can you tell I'm behind? Sick kids, birthdays, the pregnancy and trying to plan for our 5 year anniversary have really put me behind schedule on updating this blog. Better late than never, right?

This family was adorable. I went to high school with "J", and probably haven't seen her in almost 10 years! It was fun to see her for a short hour and be able to catch up and meet her adorable family. The two little busy boys reminded me a lot of my Jonas - only there were two of them! "J" is most definitely a super-mom to keep up with those 3 cute kids! The little baby girl was just adorable. Poor thing was freezing (good thing the session was in St. George rather than Northern Utah!) but she smiled so adorable over and over again after she warmed up in the car and had a bottle.

I had a lot of fun with this family!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, lots of new posts since I last looked. You're pictures are great!
